The missing link to easy weight control and healthTM

What if you and your loved ones never had to worry about weight, health or aging issues ever again?
That’s now possible – easily and naturally – thanks to our discovery.

Inspired By Nobel Prize Winning And Independent Scientific Research



No dieting, exercise or apps required.      Eat what you desire.      Your cells do all the work for you.

What if you could easily solve your weight, health and aging issues with just one affordable, natural solution?  That’s now possible.

Based On Nobel

Prize Winning And

Independent Scientific


Based On Nobel

Prize Winning And

Independent Scientific


No dieting, exercise, or apps required. Eat how you desire. 

Your cells do all the work for you.

Why Are So MANY People Still Having So Many


Why Are So MANY People Still Having WEIGHT And HEALTH Issues Today?

People today say our healthcare system is broken and unsustainable. That’s because it’s the most expensive in the world and has more medical doctors, diet and weight loss methods, dieticians, nutritionists, exercise approaches, health foods, supplements, crazy fads and technology than ever before in history. Yet, each year people still get heavier and sicker and all chronic diseases still increase.  How is this even possible?  We wanted to know.

Our research over 30 years has uncovered the answer.  And no weight loss, health or anti-aging program addresses it. That’s why your issues continue to exist regardless of how much you do, how hard you try or how much you spend.

Wrong Way – Lack Of Cellstasis

Doctors know that the lack of Cellstasis is the root cause of virtually all weight, health, disease, aging and other issues

The Single Solution To Your Issues


Doctors and scientists already know the true root cause of everyone’s weight, health and aging issue today…and even why we die before age 120.  It’s because your cells and body are not in balanced “cellular homeostasis” (what we call “Cellstasis”).  Cellstasis is the scientific and already-known, all-in-one, universal solution to virtually all weight, health and aging issues.  It is the highest possible state of health and wellness and means all your cells are operating in a perfectly balanced, stable, stress-free and nearly “frictionless” state.  Experts know that NO weight, health or aging issues can exist in a state of Cellstasis.  But, no one ever figured out the specific natural formula to create Cellstasis.  We have and once you learn it, it can now transform your life forever.

Right Way – Create Cellstasis

Doctors know that when your cells are in Cellstasis NO weight, health, disease, sleep, pain, aging or other issues can exist

How Many Of These Issues Do You Have?

Doctors and scientists know that everything starts in your cells including your weight, health, energy, hunger, blood pressure, gut health, metabolism, immunity, pain, sleep, aging, disease, etc.  Therefore everything must be solved in your cells, as well.  But, all the crazy weight loss, exercise and anti-aging programs people try today are NEVER actually creating Cellstasis in your cells.  If they did no one would have any weight, health or aging issues.  But all those issues are still INCREASING each year.   That’s the certain sign everyone’s cells are becoming even more imbalanced.  When your cells become imbalanced and are not in Cellstasis they can’t work properly and they warn you that something is wrong by creating symptoms like those in the pink column below.  Even a single missing component required for Cellstasis can wreck everything and that’s why our specific formula covers all components.  Products and services you see on TV or online can help a little, but unless you know the complete and specific formula to create Cellstasis, you will always struggle with your weight, health and aging issues.  No amount of dieting, exercising, eating-right or technology can substitute for creating Biologically Correct Cellstasis.

Your Life In LOW Cellstasis

(Very High Cellular FrictionTM)

Imbalanced Confused Cells That Can't Work Properly
  • Overweight, difficulty losing weight or keeping it off
  • Always hungry, many cravings
  • Insulin resistance
  • Binge, emotional or stress eating
  • Low energy, libido, metabolism
  • Sleep problems or always tired
  • Pain and inflammation in your body
  • Wrinkles, acne, low collagen, saggy, crepey skin, dry skin, under-eye bags or dark circles, look older than you are
  • Mental health issues (depression, anxiety, stress, agitated, moody, brain fog, addictions, substance abuse)
  • Behaviors – odd, extreme, violent, rebellious, anti-social
  • You exercise to lose or maintain weight
  • Digestive issues – constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating, pain, discomfort
  • High blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides
  • Weak immune system – colds, flu, etc.
  • Bad eating habits
  • You attend weight loss support groups, therapy or counseling
  • Poor memory, focus, concentration
  • Body odor, bad breath, etc.
  • Osteoporosis or weak bones
  • Poor circulation – always cold
  • Plaque in your arteries
  • Your body is high in toxins
  • Premature graying hair
  • Brittle or slow-growing hair or nails
  • Average lifespan is about 78 in USA
  • You use different products to treat each of your different ailments or symptoms
  • Headaches, Migraines
  • Poor dental health – cavities, receding gums, gingivitis, plaque, tartar, foul smells
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Low cellular hydration levels
  • Low muscle mass (higher body fat %)
  • Low blood oxygen levels
  • Numerous diseases at same time
  • Stiff, rigid, calcified cell membranes

Your Life In HIGH Cellstasis

(No Cellular FrictionTM)

Balanced Optimized Cells That Work Perfectly
  • Lean body and stable weight without any struggle or work
  • Hunger and cravings go way down
  • Normal insulin levels
  • Normal eating without any stress
  • Higher energy, libido, metabolism
  • Restful sleep, lots of energy
  • No pain or inflammation in your body
  • Look younger, vibrant, youthful, rested, acne and wrinkle free, tighter skin like a natural facelift
  • Enjoy stable, joyful, happy, calm, clear and focused thinking without addictions or the desire for substance abuse
  • Normal, acceptable social behaviors and mental health
  • Exercise is optional, do if you enjoy it
  • No digestive issues or constipation, pain, gas, discomfort
  • Normal blood sugar and normal blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides
  • Strong immune system and immunity
  • Good eating habits automatically
  • Unnecessary, but your personal choice if you wish to do
  • Excellent memory, focus, concentration
  • No body odor or bad breath
  • Rock-hard strong bones
  • Excellent circulation
  • Clean, clear arteries
  • Your body is low in toxins
  • Normal hair color can return
  • Strong hair, nails at normal growth
  • Perhaps exceed age 100 or more
  • A single, biologically correct solution is able to correct all your issues
  • Headache free
  • Excellent dental health, clean and rock-hard teeth even if your routine is not ideal
  • Balanced, normal hormonal levels
  • High cellular hydration levels
  • Normal to high muscle mass (low body fat)
  • High blood oxygen levels
  • No disease
  • Flexible, supple, youthful cell membranes

Signs Your Cells And Body Are Imbalanced

(Imbalanced Cells = High Cellular FrictionTM)

Chemically IMBALANCED, Stressed Cells, Cellular ConfusionTM
Imbalanced Confused Cells That Can't Work Properly
  • Overweight, difficulty losing weight or keeping it off
  • Always hungry, many cravings
  • Insulin resistance
  • Binge, emotional or stress eating
  • Low energy, libido, metabolism
  • Sleep problems or always tired
  • Pain and inflammation in your body
  • Wrinkles, acne, low collagen, saggy, crepey skin, dry skin, under-eye bags or dark circles, look older than you are
  • Mental health issues (depression, anxiety, stress, agitated, moody, brain fog, addictions, substance abuse)
  • Behaviors – odd, extreme, violent, rebellious, anti-social
  • You exercise to lose or maintain weight
  • Digestive issues – constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating, pain, discomfort
  • High blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides
  • Weak immune system – colds, flu, etc.
  • Bad eating habits
  • You attend weight loss support groups, therapy or counseling
  • Poor memory, focus, concentration
  • Body odor, bad breath, etc.
  • Osteoporosis or weak bones
  • Poor circulation – always cold
  • Plaque in your arteries
  • Your body is high in toxins
  • Premature graying hair
  • Brittle or slow-growing hair or nails
  • Average lifespan is about 78 in USA
  • You use different products to treat each of your different ailments or symptoms
  • Headaches, Migraines
  • Poor dental health – cavities, receding gums, gingivitis, plaque, tartar, foul smells
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Low cellular hydration levels
  • Low muscle mass (higher body fat %)
  • Low blood oxygen levels
  • Numerous diseases at same time
  • Stiff, rigid, calcified cell membranes

Signs Your Cells And Body Are Balanced

(Balanced Cells = Low Cellular FrictionTM)

Chemically BALANCED, Calm Cells, Cellular ContentmentTM
Balanced Optimized Cells That Do All The Work For You
  • Lean body and stable weight without any struggle or work
  • Hunger and cravings go way down
  • Normal insulin levels
  • Normal eating without any stress
  • Higher energy, libido, metabolism
  • Restful sleep, lots of energy
  • No pain or inflammation in your body
  • Look younger, vibrant, youthful, rested, acne and wrinkle free, tighter skin like a natural facelift
  • Enjoy stable, joyful, happy, calm, clear and focused thinking without addictions or the desire for substance abuse
  • Normal, acceptable social behaviors and mental health
  • Exercise is optional, do if you enjoy it
  • No digestive issues or constipation, pain, gas, discomfort
  • Normal blood sugar and normal blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides
  • Strong immune system and immunity
  • Good eating habits automatically
  • Unnecessary, but your personal choice if you wish to do
  • Excellent memory, focus, concentration
  • No body odor or bad breath
  • Rock-hard strong bones
  • Excellent circulation
  • Clean, clear arteries
  • Your body is low in toxins
  • Normal hair color can return
  • Strong hair, nails at normal growth
  • Perhaps exceed age 100 or more
  • A single, biologically correct solution is able to correct all your issues
  • Headache free
  • Excellent dental health, clean and rock-hard teeth even if your routine is not ideal
  • Balanced, normal hormonal levels
  • High cellular hydration levels
  • Normal to high muscle mass (low body fat)
  • High blood oxygen levels
  • No disease
  • Flexible, supple, youthful cell membranes

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How Cellstasis Is Revolutionary And Different!
(Hint: We Invert Everything)

Scientists already agree that Cellstasis (i.e.  balanced “cellular homeostasis”) is the highest possible state and foundation of easy weight control, health, wellness and anti-aging. But, no one ever figured out the specific and natural formula to create it, until we have.  They also know that humans are already designed to be effortlessly lean, healthy, vibrant and long-lived to age 120 or more IF they remain in Cellstasis throughout their lifetime.  Yet, weight loss, health, anti-aging companies…and even our own healthcare system…ignore this fact. Instead, they make you do all kinds of difficult, crazy or expensive things that are not Biologically Correct and that never create Cellstasis!  If any of the methods on the market for the past 80 years actually worked, weight, health and aging issues would be almost non-existant rather than skyrocketing each year.  We invert that outdated and incorrect model and show you how to create Cellstasis in your cells FIRST. That way, once your cells are in balanced Cellstasis your ailments heal automatically with very little effort or cost.  Our Cellstasis approach is a welcomed and much-needed paradigm shift to solving our soaring weight, health and aging issues and healthcare costs.  It’s believed to be the only complete and Biological Correct solution in the world.

Save Enormous Amounts Of Time And Money Over The Rest Of Your Life

Our one-time Cellstasis coaching investment costs less than a single college class…and far less than personal trainers, diets, counseling, therapy, gym memberships, diets, nootropics, Rx’s, weight loss or health camps, meal delivery services, healthcare insurance premiums or health insurance deductibles, exercise equipment, etc…and can solve the real root cause…and can provide much faster, easier and more sustainable results than anything you’ve ever tried.


The investment costs less than personal trainers, therapists, gyms, diets, health camps, meal delivery services, healthcare insurance premiums or deductibles, exercise equipment, etc…and can solve the real root cause…and provide faster results for good!

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Biologically Correct + Cellular Homeostasis = Success For LifeTM

* FDA Disclaimer: The statements on this website or communicated through this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Nor are they intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All content is for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. Please consult a medical doctor with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your conditions.

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